Time evolution

Time evolution with PauliStrings.jl is done in the Heisenberg picture because pure states are rank 1 density matrices and low rank density matrices cannot be efficiently encoded as a sum of Pauli strings (Loizeau 2024).

The advantage of working with Pauli strings is that noisy systems can be efficiently simulated in this representation (Schuster 2024). Depolarizing noise makes long strings decay, so we can make the simulations tractable by combining noise with truncation.

Let's time evolve operator $Z_1$ in the chaotic spin chain $H = \sum_i X_iX_{i+1}-1.05 Z_i +h_X X_i.$ First we construct the Hamiltonian:

using PauliStrings
import PauliStrings as ps
function chaotic_chain(N::Int)
    H = ps.Operator(N)
    # XX interractions
    for j in 1:(N - 1)
        H += "X",j,"X",j+1
    H += "X",1,"X",N # close the chain
    # fields
    for j in 1:N
        H += -1.05,"Z",j
        H += 0.5,"X",j
    return H

We initialize a Hamiltonian and the $Z_1$ operator on a 32 spins system.

N = 32 # system size
H = chaotic_chain(N) #hamiltonian
O = ps.Operator(N) #operator to time evolve
O += "Z", 1 # Z on site 1

Now we write a function that will time evolve operator O under Hamiltonian H and return some observable. Here we are interested in recording the correlator $ S(t) = \frac{1}{2^N} \text{Tr} [Z1(t)Z1(0)] $. We will time evolve O by integrating Von Neuman's equation $i \frac{dO}{dt}=-[H,O]$ with Runge-Kutta (rk4). At each time step we do 3 things :

  1. Perform a rk4 step
  2. add_noise that make long strings decay
  3. trim O by keeping only M strings with the largest weight
# heisenberg evolution of the operator O using rk4
# return tr(O(0)*O(t))/tr(O(t)^2)
# M is the number of strings to keep at each step
# noise is the amplitude of depolarizing noise
function evolve(H, O, M, times, noise)
    echo = []
    O0 = deepcopy(O)
    dt = times[2]-times[1]
    for t in ProgressBar(times)
        push!(echo, ps.trace(O*ps.dagger(O0))/ps.trace(O0*O0))
        #preform one step of rk4, keep only M strings, do not discard O0
        O = ps.rk4(H, O, dt; heisenberg=true, M=M,  keep=O0)
        #add depolarizingn oise
        O = ps.add_noise(O, noise*dt)
        # keep the M strings with the largest weight. Do not discard O0
        O = ps.trim(O, M; keep=O0)
    return real.(echo)

Now we can actually time evolve O for different trim values and plot the result:

# time evolve O for different trim values
times = range(0, stop=5, step=0.05)
noise = 0.01
for trim in (10,12,14)
    S = evolve(H, O, 2^trim, times, noise)
    loglog(times, S) #plot S(t)

